
Posts Tagged ‘brighter

I had thought I was getting on with life, was over it-the past-that dark and gloomy place-those hidden memories buried deep within my brain. Then *bam* here we go again, a new situation-similar to that past, another different person-not the same ‘man’….

It’s a trigger, reawakening those deeply buried memories, dragging them out and making me deal with them. I haven’t been living, I’ve simply been surviving-a harsh realisation of the past 8 years.

I have lived in fear of one ‘man’ for 13 years, avoiding places/people/situations which could possibly take me back to where I was before. I am a survivor of domestic violence. Mentally, emotionally, physically and sexually abused. I was beaten, spat at, put down continually, smothered, drowned, raped, strangled, bruised, pushed down stairs. I was told I was fat, ugly, untrustworthy-nobody would ever believe me, stupid, worthless, repulsive, would never be loved by anyone.

Please don’t ask why I ‘put up with it’ for 5 years. If you are told on a constant basis that you are nothing, and lack confidence in your own self (your own abilities and attributes), you tend to believe it.

I wrote this back in October, saved it as a draft, and I wasn’t going to post it but reading this today has reminded me of how far I’ve come. It’s important to remember and learn from the past. It’s even more important to learn how to forgive, not only those who hurt you, but yourself as well.

Dark times are always followed by brighter ones, so if you’re struggling through a rough patch, follow Dory’s advice, “just keep swimming” because you will get through it, and life will be better 🙂

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  • callen37: Reblogged this on callen37 and commented: Definitely Re
  • gcallen37: Come on Girl get that mean Boss of yours to let you use her internet and catch up with them...........Oh wait a sec! I AM the mean Boss! LOL so take a
  • autoaverageman: You go girl!! Congratulations! :)